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Song Lyrics:


Chorus 1


when it looks like all's come undone


Sun Rises at dawn              

when they say that something is wrong

just smile

and wait out the storm 


Life will have its ups and its downs

and turns                                      

some smiles become frowns

All that counts is you remain true  

to you

soldiers never back down


Verse 1


I used to feel like everyone was having fun but me

I felt like I was missing something only they could see


Chorus 2


When it looks like all's come undone


Sun Rises at dawn             

when they say that something is wrong

 just smile

and wait out the storm


Verse 2


I used to think the cooler things in life were hard to see 

I had a hard time understanding happiness was free

I used to worry what they'd say and what they thought of me

Until I learned what mattered - was just living honestly          


Chorus 3


Life will have its ups and its downs

and turns

some smiles become frowns

All that counts is you remain true

to you                                  

Rock stars never back down                                          



You are stronger than you know

answers are within in your soul         

Just soar forward towards your dreams   

It's never hard as it seems


Verse 3;

I like it when you try to tell me that it cant be done

I'll talk to you when I've finished and I've shown everyone

I'll talk to you when you've got something meaningful to say

I've got my own life to live before time slips away    



When it looks like all's come undone


 Sunrise is at dawn          

when they say that something is wrong

 just smile

and wait out the storm


Life will have its ups and its downs

and turns                                   

Some smiles become frowns

All that counts is you remain true

to you

Heroes never back down

Heroes never back down

Heroes Never Back Down

One thing the Monarchy does well is dark songs. So much so that we sat down to consciously write a happy song that would provide some inspiration and the result was heroes. The “chin up” message never gets old. Whether it be soldiers, rock stars or heroes they all have one thing in common – they move forward despite their fears and they never back down.  Courage isn’t the absence of fear. Its moving forward in spite of it.


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